
NSA Codebreaker 2022 Task B1


The attacker left a file with a ransom demand, which points to a site where they’re demanding payment to release the victim’s files.

We suspect that the attacker may not have been acting entirely on their own. There may be a connection between the attacker and a larger ransomware-as-a-service ring.

Analyze the demand site, and see if you can find a connection to another ransomware-related site.


The provided file is a ransom note directing the reader to https://ih<redacted>

Your system has been breached by professional hackers.  Your files have been encrypted, but they are safe.
Visit https://ih<redacted> to find out how to recover them.

This link leads users to a ransom demand page detailing the necessary steps to recover the encrypted data. The premise of the challenge is to find where the website is reaching out to for the information displayed on this page, such as time and the ransom amount.

Opening the dev tools window shows that a JS file called connect.js is being used to get the necessary information.

Obfuscated JavaScript file connect.js

Unfortunately, the JS is obfuscated and difficult to read. However, this is no issue due to the existence of the network tab in the dev tools. The network tab will show any request made by the webpage, including and request to a 3rd party service.

Network request made by the page

As shown in the dev tools, there is a 3rd party request being made to https://jbjlx<redacted> This domain is the solution to this task.

Request details for 3rd party domain

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